Cleaning Bathrooms

Bathroom Cleaning

Bathroom Cleaning

For those of you who still clean your own households, cleaning day is often a dreaded experiment. Either it be the nooby or the war-weathered vet, no one likes cleaning days. Yet knowing how to do it effectively and quickly could not only make cleaning days less painful, but maybe even rewarding and fun! And there is not a place more important to clean than your very own bathroom. There is a quick and efficient way to get your bathroom done in record time! You could even make it a challenge of sorts.

First of all, grab all your dirty towels and cloths and get them into the washing machine. The sooner you begin it, the better. As soon as you get the machine running, sprint upstairs and get to washing the floors! This should be done vigorously and efficiently, and if done correctly should take no more than a few minutes. Quickly dump all unwanted large pieces of dirt into the toilet, flush, and move on to the next activity. Begin cleaning all the small areas around your facuets, sinks, and toilets. You could do this with a small piece of cloth and disinfectant, and quickly get that pesky dirt out of there. As soon as that’s done, grab your trusty sponge, facemasks, and cleaning products and get into cleaning the bigger objects all together. Each area should not take more than 3-5 minutes, and try and keep yourself motivated to move quickly. The biggest problem of many cleaners is that they seem to “lag” when it comes to cleaning, taking up more time than nessecary.

As soon as everything is cleaning and shine, go get your towels, dry them, and sit back to relax a nice cup of lemonade; you deserved it! Every time you clean, try and time yourself; make it a game. The more productive it feels, and the less it feels like a chore, the more enjoyment you’ll get out of this. After all, there’s a reason some people choose to spend their whole lives doing this!

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